Two members of the Arkansas Tech Lifting Club attended the 35th Annual Arnold Sports Festival at the Greater Columbus Convention Center and Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 29-March 3.
The festival was named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian American action star, former Mr. Universe, and former Governor of California. The festival consists of multiple bodybuilding and strength competitions, including its main attraction, The Arnold Classic, which was where University Nationals for USA weightlifting was held.
According to club member Jaiden Avila, “The Arnold Conference is a fitness industry conference that highlights unusual fitness sports… powerlifting, Strongman, Strongwoman, there’s Tae Boxing, weightlifting—there’s all sorts of sports there that are being showcased along with the supplement brands and clothing brands that are there.”
To compete in any of these competitions, an individual must compete and place within the point range for their weight class at a state or regional level. Club member Madisyn Hudson competed in the University nationals for the 87+ women’s weight class which involves the “snatch” and the “clean and jerk.” She qualified last October at a meet in Fayetteville with 140 kg (about 308.65 lbs.). Last year, she was 2 kg short of qualifying but was determined to qualify for nationals. Hudson did not hit all six marks she hoped for to medal but is already training for next year.
Avila did not compete, but plans to attempt to qualify next year.
As to whether the event’s namesake attended, both Avila and Hudson quickly and excitedly said, “Yes. We were in the same room.” Hudson said, “We didn’t get to talk to him.”
Avila sat two rows behind Schwarzenegger at one point, and she said she might have approached him but since so many activities were going on that he was watching with his security team surrounding him, she chose not to do so.
The trip was chaperoned by club advisor Dr. Mike Waller, who also supervises Tech Fit, the university fitness center.
Any student interested in lifting or joining the Lifting Club may stop by Hull in the Strength and Conditioning Lab across from the Student Union at any time Mon. through Fri. from 2-4 p.m.
Hudson said that they would love to talk about lifting with any student interested, “Even if you don’t know what you’re doing, like if you’re wanting to hang out… that’s how I’ve made all my friends.”