Piper’s Thoughts Week 7

Piper Orio-Dettling

Hello, everyone! Piper here, and my thoughts this week are…different. To elaborate, do you know the unpopular opinions trend on social media? Well, that is the direction I decided to go this week. Bringing you all three “unpopular opinions” I have regarding success in college.

First, try to go to every single class you can. The regular classes, workdays, or optional days. GO! Don’t get me wrong, I am the self-proclaimed CEO of wanting to miss class. However, I’ve learned that the more types I go to, the higher my grade seems to be. This also gives me the advantage of having any questions I have answered quickly, staying current on due dates, and being an active student on campus. So, if it’s cold out, a lab that day is optional, or you simply don’t want to go, try anyways. The benefits will outweigh the costs.

Next, there is such a thing as over-studying. My freshman year, my psychology professor Korey Davis told the class, “If you try to study late at night when you’re tired and have been studying all day, you won’t learn anything. Take a break, go to bed, and you’ll be fine.” This always stuck out to me and proved to be true in the semesters following. I’ve learned that if I break up my studying, go to bed early the night before, and don’t try to cram any information last-minute, I do remarkably better. Over-studying can lead to exhaustion, brain fog, and feelings of hopelessness. So, take the well-deserved break, and you’ll thank yourself later.

Last but not least, you do not have to be a part of a specific organization or do everything and anything on campus to have a good experience. When I started college, I heard from multiple people that I would only be successful, happy, popular, etc., if I joined certain clubs or hung out with certain people. And that was honestly far from the truth. I found success and happiness in joining organizations that genuinely interested me and pertained to my goals. The truth is, you cannot pour from an empty cup. If you join an organization you don’t want to be a part of, but you heard it’s the only way to be successful, you won’t be motivated to participate or be an active member.  Joining organizations that you’re passionate about, no matter what they are, will bring you further in achieving your goals, expanding your knowledge, and achieving your own terms of happiness.

In conclusion, these are three of my unpopular opinions. And remember – they are just opinions. Not everyone will agree, and I hope that is the case. At the end of the day, do what you think is best for you, and that is where you’ll find true success.