Goodbye From Senior Webmaster

Avery Harrah

PHOTO | Johnan Mitchell

When I got on the Arka Tech team as the Web Master, I didn’t know what to expect. If anything, I’d’ve thought I might do what we computer science majors usually do—sit silently in the background helping things run while the real work is done by the people around me.

While that may in essence be what I did, the people on the Arka Tech team haven’t let it feel that way. I’ve had the opportunity to meet a lot of super cool people; especially notable are Johnan Mitchell, Tara Espinoza, and Brooklyn Russell who have kept the weekly work from being a weekly grind.

In addition to the people, working on the website has been well worth the hours spent. Since I began working two years ago, we’ve seen web viewership over double! I’m proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish with everyone’s support, and I look forward to seeing how my successors build upon what I’ve started.

Most enjoyable of all though are the things I never expected to end up doing. I’m not much of a writer, but my favorite experience here was co-authoring an article with Johnan about how underrated spears are in modern media. Nothing beats dragging your roommate into the newsroom at midnight with a nerf sword and homemade spear for a last-minute cinematic photo.

I’m super happy that I joined the Arka Tech team. It’s a decision I’d never take back, and I’ll miss being a part of it.

Bon voyage.