Hispanic Heritage Month Kicks Off

Tacos for Hispanic Heritage Month

On Sept. 15, the department of Diversity and Inclusion and Contemporary Student Services kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month at Hindsman Bell Tower.

Hispanic Heritage Month is an annual event in the United States to celebrate and recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture and achievements of the United States.

“I love to share my culture with everyone and educate them about the Hispanic community. I also love to learn about different Hispanic cultures and learn new things. I think it is important to share the love and richness of our community,” Nahomi Lopez, cybersecurity major, said.

At the event, the community was able to try dishes from Latin American countries such as pupusas, rice, tacos with traditional Mexican drinks like horchata.

All students and faculty members were encouraged to attend this event to learn about the cultures and have fun.

“I have never really celebrated Hispanic heritage month. I knew it existed, but I ignored it. I am a community assistant for the Las Casas living and learning community. I was suggested to take my residents to this event, so I did; we all enjoyed the event,” Diana Gonzalez, a nursing major, said

For more information about future events, follow atu_lso, atu diversity and atu_hso.