New Café Opens for Business

Cafe Owner Amanda Jones

A new café opened its doors Aug. 30. Wildflower Café is located at 914 S. Arkansas Ave., in Russellville.

The owner and chef, Amanda Jones, describes the menu as being “almost all made from scratch.” The café offers a variety of wraps, soups, and sandwiches among other menu items.

Jones, who has been in the culinary business for almost 20 years, moved to Arkansas seven years ago. She taught at the Arkansas Tech University Career Center for four years before becoming the child nutrition director for the Boys and Girls Club for the past two years.

What inspired Jones to open her own business?

“I just wanted to make food that made me feel good, so it was to the point in my career where I either open my own restaurant or change job fields.”

Jones cites “the backside” as being the biggest difference in owning and operating a business versus working for one: “just the renovations, figuring out how much things are going to cost and coming up with a business plan and a budget.”

Jones also said she was “really lucky” to be able to work with Ronda Hawkins at the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center to help develop her business plan.

Jones has advice for students aspiring to open their own businesses.

“Definitely reach out to business owners in the field that you’re looking to open a business in, to kind of pick their brain.”

The café is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.