Piper’s Thoughts Week 5

Piper Orio-Dettling

Hey guys! Piper here once again. And in celebration of fall and Thanksgiving break quickly approaching Tech’s campus, my next column will be related to these occasions- The good, the bad, and some suggestions to maximize your time. 

You see, throughout my years here, I used each break to catch up on homework, seclude myself, and try to get ahead in my classes. All of this is great, and I help take a lot of stress off your shoulders and push through the rest of the semester. However, as I sit here approaching my last few breaks, there is a lot more I wish I would have taken advantage of.

First and foremost, take this time to mentally recharge. These breaks are here for a reason. With us approaching the end of the semester so quickly, we have more stress, assignments and pressure on us. Take this time to sit back, relax and enjoy the moment. Yes, it is okay to do the homework or get started on those big projects, but also make sure you take some time to mentally check out. You cannot drive a car with no gas, and your body tends to work in the same manner. 

On the topic of homework, I mentioned that you should catch up, but make sure to take time for yourself. This still rings true. However, these breaks are a great way to get a head start on what you may have coming up. Doing so can help to lower stress and improve your mental health and overall happiness during those busy weeks. Make sure to know when to put down your homework and focus on your family and the time presented to you. 

One last thing to keep in mind before you I leave you all – value the time you have with the people you are choosing to spend it with. Family or friends, this may be one of the last times you will have this much time with them. As someone who is now facing the realization that I took these precious times for granted, cherish every break and what “free time” you have now before it is too late. 

As I leave you, remember these three small tips – homework in moderation, mentally reset, and hug your loved ones. Have a great week, and I will talk to you soon!