Let go of your stress!

Let’s be honest, school is stressful no matter if it is high school or college. Going to college and staying on top of schoolwork is harder and stressful more now that we are learning in a different environment.

I will be sharing some ways to destress while being in school.

Take time out of the day or week to relax by yourself or with your friends.

Facetime friends from your hometown or friends that you made here on campus.

Take time out from homework and enjoy the memories you make with friends.

Watch a movie or show that you have been wanting to watch but haven’t had the chance to due to schoolwork. You can do this with either yourself or with your closest friends. During the movie or show, you could also do facemasks.

Get something healthy to eat or something you’ve been wanting to eat, treat yourself, but at the same time, don’t overeat just because of all the stress you have.

This is a given but get enough sleep. With all the workload, it is very tempting to do all-nighters in order to stay ahead of work but limiting yourself on rest can increase your stress. Sleep around the same time, so your body can rest, and you can wake up with energy.

As a college student, we get busy with school, organizations or even work, but take time to declutter your space. If our personal space like our dorm is a mess, we can feel lazy or messy. Take time to organize and clean around your dorm.